Wednesday, 25 February 2009

nokia morph inspiration

ok, old old website but wanted to add it. it's the inspiration for my iphone app. project at college. oh, yeh, i have to design a new app. for the iphone, so thought i'd take it a step further and say it's for the new generation iphone where the structure of the phone can change.

it's going to be an app. that when clicked, has two functions. the healthy eating function will have sensors at the side of the iphone that u can wave infront of any food source (doesn't need to have a bar code), so say you're in a restaurant and you've ordered a meal, when it comes you can check the ingredients (good if you have an allergy and want to make sure that you won't have a reaction from eating the food) and also how many calories, fat content, sugar/salt content, etc. this will also be for people wanting to keep in check their food intake. for a country like the UK that's increasing in size all the time... or so i've heard, it means people can easily keep track of weekly targets, intakes, how much calories to burn off, etc. oh yeh, the iphone will also keep a record every day/week/month year to see how you're getting on. it'll be (maybe) good for people who don't want to shout out to the world that they're watching what they eat.

the other function is the fitness function. when this option is highlighted sensors will come up on the back and the iphone will attach around your arm and the sensors will pick up heart-rate, salt content of your sweat if you're working out (good to check if you need hydrated.. i think) and will so distance gone, calories burnt off, and everything else that goes along will checking you're workout. there will be exercise plans on the iphone, weekly targets, etc. this will also be linked the the healthy eating function so you can check and compare the two against each other.

my thoughts were apples need to stay one step ahead of the competition so this app. will market against the 'nokia morph' but also consoles like the 'wii' and the game the 'wii fit'. people will go out and buy the DS for brain training, or the wii for the same game or the wii fit, etc, so why not make an app. that people will buy the iphone mainly for. app.'s just now (or what i think off app.'s) are just add on's for the iphone, something you get for shits and giggles, this concept idea kinda markets directly against the 'morph' and the 'wii'... kinda.

anyway... need to make a mock up website promoting the idea. haven't done anything yet.

yeh, this is the 'nokia morph'. saw it ages ago and still think it's cool :)

nokia morph

and the 'wii fit'
fit fit fit

Saturday, 21 February 2009

abertay people and planet

working on the look for the abertay uni people and planet website that they want done. gone through a few design ideas and this is the latest. it's kinda hard because i don't know the information that needs to go up so not sure of the sections (hence the names '1st major', etc), no colour scheme has been really highlighted but im guessing green as a main one and had to either semi redo the main logo ('cos the original one doesn't stand out at all so doesn't look great) or just taking other logos off a poster and shoving it in so they can see what i'm aiming for.

still getting to grips with blogger so not sure the best size to upload etc., so hopefully it'll be a decent size.

what else...    ummm.... took me around 3 - 4 hours, which is crazy 'cos of the lack of artwork, etc, but i get anal about placement and wasn't sure about where to put stuff. also not sure of the selection wings bits, but kinda like the browny red background colour. tried green but not so sure, maybe a bit harsh on the eyes a tiny bit. i don't want people to be put off the sight of the site after a while. that's about it. didn't a small splatter thing 'cos needed a change and was very quick and easy ^-^

but it's not uploading...  cheesy bollocks!!! will have to wait for later!

hmmm...   would be quite nice if the option bits at the side had an arrow at different points when u hovered over them for an added effect. also need to add some kinda middle bit to get an idea of how it'll look.

anyway, someone's gonna do the coding separate so don't need to worry about that.
all good ^-^

oh yeh, also remembered that the 'smallest' text size setting is waaaaay to small so putting everything up a size so people (including myself) can actually read what i've written. awesome.

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

exciting times with no money

well, was gonna wait till i had a new art piece to write anything on here but that might be a while, although exhibiting at D-CON this month is coming up soon and i've only got the one piece... oops, lol, but i am going to pictoplasma in berlin at the end of march with my sis and a few other people.

check it out at:

anyway, going to some of the talks over the three days and getting to see a new city which should be good. gonna take some pack lunch over though to save on some essential money... but then again maybe not, might go moldy on the plane. that or i'll just eat it all before i get there.

also, got a new brief today were we have to design an installation using typography based on a project before. just tried to draw a little sketch of my idea but was rubbish so will get something up in a little while. should be good if i pull it off but will take a bit of effort, plus got a few other projects on so can't forget about them. installation needs to be based on dolphins which is my subject which may seem a bit random but i think the idea's pretty cool... although could actually be a load of s*** but fun all the same.

also been looking at:
which is kinda cool with some good articles... will need to maybe put it up on things i like.

anyway, good times. got to sort some stuff out. will hopefully have some artwork to put up on here with the next entry!


Wednesday, 11 February 2009

1st entry

soooo....     started this blog 'cos wanted to check out my little sis's uni project, but also getting told to blog, network, etc, 'cos it's good for design and getting to know what's going on out there....   awesome.

anyway, i think i'll put artwork i do up on here and anything i like that i come across. oh, i have a stuff i like section of websites that i think are cool, if anyone has anything they'd like to share or whatever send me a link. always looking for new stuff to look through. this'll be a good way to judge my progress on how i'm doing in terms of not being lazy and seeing how much i've progressed...   or not progressed, ha ha.

there we go, first image for the blog ^-^

ok, so my sis's blog is:

im sure she'd appreciate some constructive suggestions.

right, off to try and find a picture to put up on my profile.